Mama Mio Tummy Rub Stretch Mark Oil, 4.1 fl oz, prevent stretch marks, safe for pregnancy

Mama Mio Tummy Rub Stretch Mark Oil, 4.1 fl oz, prevent stretch marks, safe for pregnancy
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Sale Price: $22.05
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As a physician, I realize that stretch marks are predominately related to genetics... but that doesn't mean I was going to roll over and let whatever stretch marks occur! My mother has some of the worst stretch marks I have ever seen on a person.... But at 38 weeks currently (and VERY big... I have been asked if I was having twins several times by different people), I will have to say, I think this product has delivered as much as it is capable! I have yet to have a stretch mark crop up!

I started using mama mio oil at about 12 weeks, twice a day (morning and night).. and also after showers. It is oily going on, but soaks in very quickly. One of the greatest benefits, is that it greatly reduced itchy skin!!! Well worth it for that alone. I also had been given some Palmer's Coco Butter and had bought Bella B Tummy Honey Butter... I found the Mama Mio superior to each of them. The Palmer's seemed to clump up and get stuck onto my clothes when I put it on my very taught tummy (great for elbows and hands though). I found the texture of the Bella B Tummy Honey Butter to be slightly gross. It had a gritty consistency and did not absorb well into the skin. The Mama mio tummy oil definitely has a greasy feel at first, but I felt absorbed in quickly. Of the three, I preferred the ease of application, the light scent, and the long term feel of my tummy.

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I apply this tummy rub oil everyday. It smells great, feels amazing and softens the skin without making it oily at all. It also helps relax the tummy skin and relieves the stretchy feeling in the abdomen area.

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I love this stuff until one exception happened to me.......I used this religiously every day when I woke up and fell asleep for 9 months I had very minimal stretch marks for carrying a 9 lb 3 oz baby at 37 weeks.....then I had a c section and my baby had his cord tight wrapped twice around his neck and was buried very deep in my pelvis they really had to tug and tug....this stuff was no match for that and I had more stretch marks after birth than before. I would still stand by it and will continue to use it to fade the marks as soon as my scar is COMPLETELY healed!

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I used tummy cream all through pregnancies and this oil towards the end of each of my pregnancies. I have two babies, strong genetics for stretchmarks and no marks for me! Mama Mio rocks!!!

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I used Palmers religiously throughout my pregnancy, but decided to get something a little better quality for the last trimester. I chose Mama Mio Tummy Rub Stretch Mark Oil and Cream because of all the great reviews I've read. On the plus side, it smells really nice. My husband really disliked the smell of Palmer's, and said this one was way better. On the down side, even with use of both the oil and the cream in the morning and night, I couldn't seem to keep my skin hydrated. Within a few hours it felt dry again. I got my first stretch mark on my belly (I already had gotten a few on my thighs) within a few days of switching over from Palmer's. My doctor told me no cream in the world is going to prevent them if they're in your genes, so it might not be Mama Mio's fault. Mama Mio is quite expensive though, for a product that doesn't work any better than the cheap options (Palmer's is about $6/bottle, Mama Mio oil and cream came to $70). The oil and cream both lasted me about 4 weeks.

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