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Sale Price: $20.99
Today's Bonus:
I love, love, love this stuff. It smells wonderful and is so relaxing. You only need half a packet per bath. And it really does calm my kids down before bed.I only need to use 1/2 a pouch each time and it's makes a wonderful lavender scented bath for my kids. It doesn't foam too much which is good for my youngest who likes to put foam in his mouth. It's one of the nicer options out there for kid friendly foam baths....No synthetic colors, fragrances or preservatives, and it's paraben free.Not only does the aroma chill baby out, but also Mommy. We have a standing order. LOVE IT.My mom surprised us with this baby bath time treat when we flew in for a visit. It was a very nice touch to help make our baby feel more comfortable in a strange environment...or maybe it just mom and ad feel more comfortable. They call it a "calming foam bath" and I'd say that's just about a perfect name. I can't tell if baby gets more calm (he's pretty mellow during bath time anyway), but daddy certainly enjoys the calming effect (real or imagined, I'm calmer). All in all this product makes bath time that much more cozy, relaxing and, well, foamy. So, subjectively it's a winner. Objectively, the smell is great, the bubbles don't last more than about 10 minutes and 6 packs should last 2 months. Go for it already!
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