List Price: $100.04
Sale Price: $92.34
Today's Bonus: 8% Off
I've been very happy with the White Egret brand of ear candles, and if you use ear candles somewhat regularly, you can get some great deals by buying the 50-count tubs. However, I was much happier with the unscented version I tried previously. These have an extremely strong lavendar scent that is overpowering, especially given that it takes around 15 minutes per ear for the candles to burn, so you're smelling it for quite a while.
If you haven't used ear candles before, these are very effective at drawing ear wax out from deep within your ear canal. I clean my ears regular with Q-tips, but using these once a month or so gets out the wax that Q-tips just can't get to without damaging your ears.
Note that you should definitely have someone help you with the candling, as it's not wise to hang out alone with a burning candle sticking out of your ear. If you haven't done it before, there's no need to buy the whole candling "kit." Just cut a hole in a paper plate, put the candle through the hole and into your ear, then lay on your side and light the candle. The plate will catch any ash that falls while the candle is burning.
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