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Sale Price: $17.35
Today's Bonus:
I suffer from cracked heels year-round and my fingers tear and split spontaneously in the winter. This is the only thing I have ever found that works well -apply this and the split is almost healed overnight. 48 hrs and you are good as new. My husband has a dermatological condition (stress-related, they think) that has his palms cracked, split and bleeding, and none of his many prescriptions has ever helped. One night he stole some of this from me and he is now a convert. It hasn't cured his condition -but if he uses it every night (with gloves) his hands stay healed until he forgets or gets lazy again. Cannot rave highly enough about this product. In addition to the tube, some places have a large pump bottle. It's expensive -I paid almost a hundred this summer. But refills are cheaper if you re-use your pump, and it will last a long time. It's worth every last penny (and the shipping) to those of us with ongoing dry / split skin issues.This is the best lotion for avoiding splits at fingertips resulting from dry skin and living in a dry climate. By using it every morning, I have not had painful splits at my fingettips for the past two years. Before I discovered Gehwol I had tried everything even super glue, nothing worked.This is THE ONLY cream, lotion, ointment that works effectively. Bar None!! I have the 450 ml, plastic jar with a pump. I paid $60 for it 4 years ago and I still have 1/2 a bottle left. The greatest investment. I don't use it every day but, when needed, the ointment always provides incredible improvement.This product really made a difference in the first several days. However, the issue with foot care is that it's clear that you have to continue to use this stuff EVERYDAY. I have yet to find anything that actually STOPS super-dry and cracked heels. It's only been in recent years that this has become a chronic issue and I'd really like to find something that doesn't have to be applied every single day. And then there's the smell; not outrageously offensive, but not very sexy either. Sort of a Ben-Gay meets Desitin. Wow, am I dating myself? :)My husband and I have been using this ointment for over 15 years and swear by it. I used to import it from Canada. It is the ONLY thing that repairs our cracked, split fingers in the winter or from outdoor work in the summer.
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