doTERRA Deep Blue Rub 4oz.

doTERRA Deep Blue Rub 4oz.
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $39.00
Sale Price: $29.25
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It have found this product to be very helpful. It relieved a back spasm I had caused from coughing I was thankful for that.

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This really does relieve pain for hours. I have bursitis and when it flares up...this gives relief within a few minutes

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I ordered this cream for my arthritis. It took the pain and some of the stiffness away, but is leaves that "old person" smell. It has wintergreen and camphor. I will try to add some lavender oil to it to see if it tones down the smell. Very stong smell that lingers.

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I have now ordered 8 tubes of this product and find it a wonderful nite time rub to relieve pain so I sleep much better. I had a car accident a year and 5 months ago where I had a compound fracture of the T12 vertebrae which is now surrounded by arthritis and by bed time is usually pretty painful, the deep blue rub eases the pain and allows me to go to sleep.

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I have used do Terra products before and was so happy to see it as one of the Amazon offers.

Thank you for selecting this as an option.

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