Keracare Essential Oils for the Hair 8oz (Pack of 2)(w/Lip Gloss)

Keracare Essential Oils for the Hair 8oz(w/Lip Gloss)
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: Price Unavailable
Sale Price: $41.54
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My hairdresser introduced me to this oil. I have African-American hair that's thick like Asian hair and I also use a chemical straightener and temporary hair color and this keeps my hair nice. Just a dab at the end of blow drying to finish up or a little rubbed into the hair before rolling it up and going under the dryer.

It's expensive but a little goes a long way.

I would recommend it for other hair types especially if you blow dry a lot, which tends to damage the hair. Just put a bit on the ends to keep from getting split ends.

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