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UPDATE 10/16/2012: Day 6 and the pain is completely gone....I guess the infection was drawn out, with no more treatment other than the first day. Amazing....and I am thankful to God for making a natural cure!!
UPDATE 10/14/2012: This is the 3rd day and I have still not had to use the sea water solution or the clove application since the first day. I can chew on the right side but the tooth is still a little sore. Otherwise, there is no pain at all. I can't help but think that the minerals in the sea salt had something to do (along with the clove oil) with drawing out that infection, if it is gone. I use a top quality sea salt (Celtic Sea Salt>fine grind, which can be purchase from, and beware of cheap imitations.
UPDATE 10/13/2012: The is the next morning from my previous review and I can say I have absolutely NO pain!! Amazing!! I had only used the sea salt solution and clove once yesterday morning and by the afternoon the pain was completely gone and I could even chew on the right side. I will see how long I can go without the pain coming back but the sea solution and clove application may have drawn the infection out. Hope so!!
10/12/2012: The morning before I received the oil from Amazon, when I woke up, I slightly clenched my teeth in a normal fashion and my right lower back tooth (wisdom??) was so sensitive that it felt like a dentist drill had hit a nerve. VERY PAINFUL!
The tooth had gotten progressively worse the past several days, and when the oil arrived that afternoon, I did 2 things which I had read about on Google. First, I mixed 2 tablespoons of (sea) salt in about 6oz of warm water and swished all of it around...mouthful by mouthful. Then I used a Q Tip soaked in the oil to apply it directly on top of the tooth...doing this several times. It burns when it touches the gum and tongue but goes away fairly quickly.
There was some slight immediate relief within minutes, but after a few hours, the pain was pretty much gone and I could clench my teeth with only a slight dull pain.
This morning it feels the same....just some slight, dull pain. I did the swishing routine again and applied more of the oil. I will do this 3 times a day for several days or a week and see if it draws out the infection. Some web sites said it would but some said it wouldn't. Will try to remember to let you know.
I'm not sure if the clove oil would do as good a job by itself, but in combination with the warm (sea) salt, it works great!
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I ordered this clove oil to add to my thieves oil blend. It was just what I needed, large enough to make a large batch that will last us several months.Buy Clove Bud Essential Oil. 30 ml (1 oz). 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. Now
This is my first time buying this brand of clove essential oil and i am going to send it back. It literally smells rancid nothing like the purifying, deep melody of other brands I've bought in the past. I put some on my skin to see if it was just the initial scent that was bad and after smelling it for a few mintues, I felt sick to my stomach. Understand I LOVE the smell of clove oil so this is very unusual for me. VERY disappointed :(I use this to help repel deer from my flower beds. 10 drops mixed with a gal of water and 1 tsp liquid soapWant Clove Bud Essential Oil. 30 ml (1 oz). 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. Discount?
OK, so I know several people are looking for a review for using clove oil to treat a toothache. Well here's my bit:I recently had an old filling repaired after it was discovered to have a hole. After the repair it was fine but they left it high so it was hitting and caused the tooth to become sore. After having the filing removed and replaced with a temp I am still having pain with pressure and extreme pain with cold. The clove oil was my last option before a possible root canal. I don't want a root canal on a tooth that doesn't have the typical pain associated with needed a root canal. I literally had my first one done this year and the pain from a dying nerve is horrendous.
I decided to purchase this to see if I could get the tooth to calm down naturally. I used a cotton swab with this oil on there and rubbed it on the tooth and around the gum line. Within a few days I was able to chew on that side more than I have been able to lately. I was able to forcefully push air through my front teeth with tip of my tongue (the pressure from the air was causing pain). I was also able to "suck" on the tooth with my tongue with my mouth closed, which was also causing pain. I naturally have sensitive teeth and my nerves are closer to the surface them most people.
So, this HAS helped quite a bit with the pressure pain but has done nothing to address the pain with cold. I honestly believe there is still a pinhole in a different part of the tooth that is causing this pain. I just wanted to give this some time to calm down before I go back and cause more trauma to an already oversensitive tooth.
Now with that said, I was only able to use this for about a week. The oil was apparently slowly running down the cotton swab and was brushing the corner of my lip. This stuff DOES burn when it touches your tongue and your face. I had to hold my nose while doing all of this because this stuff taste downright awful! (I'm sure this isn't meant for mouth treatments but DAMN it's bad HAHA.) I didn't have a free hand to hold my lip away from the cotton swab while doing all of this. After a few treatments my lip started to split open and became very raw. Fortunately the pressure pain had subsided enough that I have stopped using it for now. And one before bed application of pure argan oil cleared that rawness right up.
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