List Price: $19.57
Sale Price: $10.88
Today's Bonus: 44% Off
I first stumbled into the world of essential oils back in 1990 when I needed a part-time job and there was an opening for "Weekends Only" at a tiny Aromatherapy store in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Back in those days, very few people had even heard of the word and thought FRAGRANCE oils to be synonymous with ESSENTIAL OILS. It was an invaluable experience working in that store and it changed my life in regards to taking charge of my PERSONAL wellness through the use of Essential Oils.
NO DRUG IS A PANACEA OR MAGIC BULLET FOR EVERYONE!!!! I state this clearly because of the few negative reviews that all the various company's that sell Tea Tree Oil have received. For instance, I'm allergic to Peroxide. The pills Asprin and Tylenol have zero effect on me. So, if you have NEVER used Tea Tree Oil, BUY THE SMALLEST BOTTLE YOU CAN FIND AND TRY IT OUT ON YOURSELF! If you're as lucky as I am, it will be your Go-To Treatment for 99% of "What Ails You."
I've tried many a company's Tea Tree Oil and have finally settled on THIS brand. Why? The reasons I list work for ME; they may not work for YOU:
1) It's in a CLEAR bottle! I know, I know: having E.O.'s in blue/amber bottles protects them from the light, but so does storing them in a dark place. I like being able to SEE how much is used so I know when to buy more.
2) It does NOT have a calibrated "Rain Drop" apeture in the top, meaning that you can POUR the oil out or use these micro measuring spoons when creating hair or bath products. Norpro 3080 Mini Measuring Spoons, 5 Piece Set
3) PRICE!!!!! Compared to other company's with fancier labels and prettier bottles, this product is several dollars LESS expensive than the other brands, without losing a bit of effectiveness.
4) Availability!!!! Since this product does NOT ship through Amazon Prime, there's no cost savings to me. Both my local Whole Foods and Trader Joe's sell this brand, so I am no more than a 10 minute drive in any direction when I am running low.
Okay, those are the reasons why I buy THIS brand. Now, HOW do I use it and HOW has it helped me?
1) For my body, Tea Tree Oil is Magical!!! Every single thing that you can find online with HOW this oil works, it responds that well in MY body! YOUR results may vary. Since discovering the sheer effectiveness on my system, I keep no less than SIX bottles in our lives: in my purse; in our first aid kits; and in every medicine cabinet. My family has been taught by me that Tea Tree Oil is thee FIRST response to ANYTHING that breaks the skin and it's kept our medical bills down to ZERO. Yes, ZERO!!!, in regards to the common things you go to the doctor for.
2) I have had chronic and debilitating ear infections my entire life. As a child, I've spent weeks in hospital with infections that threatened my life. Countless surgeries on my ears have done NOTHING to stop the infections, which can come on in an hour. Now, as soon as I feel the Tell-Tale tingling in my ear, I grab my bottle of Tea Tree Oil and swipe it down the entire side of my face. I repeat this process every single hour until the tingling stops. Results? NO MORE EAR INFECTIONS AND NO MORE HOSPITALIZATIONS OR DOCTOR VISITS!!!
3) When my family and I have a scratchy throat or have been subjected to anyone with a severe cold or the flu, we place a couple of drops on a cotton pad and then deeply inhale the vapors and hold it in our lungs for the count of five, then exhale and repeat the process. Since doing this, NO ONE in my family has had a cold or the flu in 8 years!!!! NO ONE!
4) We have a Summer Cottage near a lake which means ticks, chiggers and mosquitoe bites. One drop of this oil on ANY of the following solves the itch, the pain and the resulting infections. We've seen ticks actually back out of the skin when a drop of this oil is placed on their backs!
5) Tooth infections! I had four Wisdom Teeth extracted. After it was okay to rinse my mouth, I placed a drop of Tea Tree Oil in warm water and would rinse out my mouth when directed. When I went in for my check up, my dentist was SHOCKED at the healing of my gums and was suspicious as to WHY they had healed so well and so fast! Seriously, Dr.? Shouldn't you have just been HAPPY for me? LOL
6) And for me, directly, the use of Tea Tree Oil in my daily job is a God Send! I'm a Landscape Architect with a staff of 17 men. Every single day, we get injured; it comes with the job. Whether it's a deep penetration of a thorn, a complete scraping of skin from a tree you're climbing, a deep knick when you're sharpening a pruner, or a massive sliver that got jammed into a palm, we have daily injuries. Since we can't stop work when this happens, we normally would just rinse the area off with a hose and continue working. More than half of the time, these injuries would get worse, with either the employee or myself loosing productivity or hours, because we couldn't use that hand or arm.
Now, I've taught every one of my guys to come to me for treatment and they hold out their injury to receive some drops of Tea Tree Oil. At first, they were skeptical; now, some are SO convinced, they've had me buy bottles for their own homes. And for home use, this oil is amazing! I've had deep knife cuts from a knife slipping out of my hands while washing; I've had deep scratches from our dogs and cats when we've tried to corral them for the vet; and 100% of these injuries NEVER get infected nor turn pink or swollen if treated immediately with this oil. Healing time is 3-5 times faster than when left untreated.
We've used this oil for acne, cold sores, tooth aches, ear infections, athlete's foot, insect bites and all manner of skin breaks. For whatever reasons, our DNA works with this oil. That's why I'm giving it such glowing reviews. YOUR results may NOT be the same.
In closing, I'd recommend that you buy the smallest bottle possible, to keep it fresh and pure. In my home and purse, I buy the .05 ounce size and when it's half full, I buy a replacement bottle and store it in the frig. Remember, NOTHING that you put to the opening is sterile (cotton balls, swabs or your fingers!), so with each touch of the oil, you are contaminating it. So, buying a large 2 ounce bottle just allows the oil to become less and less effective. The one exception for me, is that for work I buy the 2 ounce bottle, simply because we go through one of those bottles at least once a month and it's more cost effective.
Also, if you want to learn about more health benefits of essential oils, THIS book is the BEST there is! Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art I've been using this book since it was first published in 1995 and use it as my "Betty Crocker" default for healing common injuries and problems within my family. It's NEVER failed me in 18 years of use.
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For the people who don't think this works I don't think you understand that your skin needs a period of two to four weeks before any treatment will work, you have breakouts that start two weeks before they rise to the surface and you see them, spot treatments also don't work because you are treating the unseen new pimples, if you choose to spot treat then logically just spread what ever treatment you are using to the parts of your face you commonly breakout in. As for the Tea Tree Oil...For my skin and my husbands it has worked better then benzoyl peroxide , and Salicylic acid...For Salicylic acid to be effective it has to have the correct ph balance to exfoliate skin cells and sadly almost all on the market have to high of a ph. I am overly sensitive to benzoyl peroxide so all the irritation that it causes just creates more pimples. Tea Tree oil does work...You must use a concentration of above 5% or you will be aggravating the bacteria, which will only produce more pimples...If you doubt any of the countless hours of research I have done on the topic of acne your own research, you have the internet go to some site like cosmetic cop or even read reviews of products on Amazon. Don't give up a treatment until four weeks; you will never see good results until then. Also if you over exfoliate your skin with wash cloths or manual exfoliate like scrubs be warned that can also be causing you more problems. Go to Sephora buy their facial sponges and use those instead of a washcloth, but be sure to boil it or disinfectant regularly or you will once again be creating bacteria instead of killing it.Buy 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil by Desert Essence 2 Ounces Now
This is my first time using tea tree oil. I was in desperate need of a product to maintain my acne. I've used countless products and spent loads of money on special gadgets to improve my skin. I began researching after a bad breakout and came across many positive reviews for tea tree oil. Figuring I had nothing to lose I gave it a try and fell in love after first use. It's an incredible toner. Interestingly, it's an oil that strips oil away and leaves pores tight and clean. The smell can be a little strong at first, but I've gotten used to it. It is wise to dilute the oil with a moist cotton pad before applying to the face. Also be careful not to let it seep into your eyes. Frequently I experience some stinging in my eyes for a few minutes after applying. I apply before bed and when I wake up the blemish is well on its way to healing if I have popped it, which I admit to doing. Not good. Not to sound gross, but it also helps blemishes come to a head quickly, bringing that white icky stuff to the surface, but i find it to heal faster that way. Tea tree oil can be drying, so even though I have oily skin, if I apply it in the morning I follow it with jojoba oil mixed with a light oil-free moisturizer. This helps avoid flakiness under makeup. I hope it works for everyone suffering from problem skin!Read Best Reviews of 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil by Desert Essence 2 Ounces Here
I'll try to explain this without being to gross :)I've had very bad toenail fungus on my big toe, and not so bad on some other toes. After using this for only 2 days so far (twice a day) I am already seeing great improvement. On my big toe it was so bad, that it was growing in kind of layers. I woke up this morning, and 3/4 of my toenail fell off where the fungus was. Its pretty gross, but I could see a lot of fungus under the part of the toenal that fell off. On my other toes, where its not so bad, its already clearing up. I didn't think the results would be this fast! I'm also surprised I didn't see any reviews for this product regarding toe nail fungus. But it is a gross subject. One thing I do agree with other posts, is the design of the bottle needs to be better for dispensing. Anyway this particular brand of Tea Tree Oil, IS working for my toenail fungus, and working fast!Want 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil by Desert Essence 2 Ounces Discount?
I use this for cuts, soap crafting, cleaning, to make feet spray, and as a facial astringent. The product is 100% tea tree oil and a quality product.
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