List Price: $19.95
Sale Price: $16.44
Today's Bonus: 18% Off
i really am not understanding how this won an award the omega swirl orange oil that they sell should have won the award it tastes GRREEAATT! this has a warm taste attributed to the cinnamon sort of like if you eat a spoonful of cooking oil with a couple of sprinkles of red pepper in it thats what this tastes like. the health benefits of all of the barlean organic products are EXCELLENT which is why i on a daily basis use the omega swirl, coconut oil and barleans green (you have to get use to the greens but after 2 weeks daily use you realize its of great quality and taste).
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Great taste, flax oil is good for you, & excellent in my protein shakes! This is a MUST try product.....Buy Barlean's Fresh Flax Oil 12 fl oz (350 ml) Now
I was hoping to use this for my 5 year old child, but it just tastes like lemonish oil, not something I can really get her to try.Read Best Reviews of Barlean's Fresh Flax Oil 12 fl oz (350 ml) Here
My daughter(s) and I have tasted all kinds of Barlean's omega 3 products. This is one of the best tasting of the bunch. Thank you for your quality products!We like the creamy oils better. This was too oily. Not very much cinnamon tast either. Won't reorder this again.
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