Frankincense 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 10 ml

Frankincense 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 10 ml
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $19.95
Sale Price: $8.95
Today's Bonus: 55% Off
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Not to sound like a tv commercial, but frankincense oil is awesome. It worked a miracle on a very very stuborn wart that I had on my index finger when I was younger. I went through tons of Compound W with no results. I tried the drops, the medicated bandages, and the freezing kits. Nothing. I went to the doctor and had it freezed multiple times. Nothing. I even had it surgically cut out of my finger; I literally had a crater in the meaty part of my finger. Still, the stuborn thing grew back. I even tried suffocating it with duct tape. Nothing. Then my aunt gave me a bottle of frankincense oil. I applied it full strength directly onto the wart every night before bed after I showered. That wart dissapeared after a few days, no kidding. The wart has never come back, although I do have scar tissue on that spot. That is not from the oil, it is from all the other extreme treatments that I did and from the size of the wart. I would definately recommend this product for wart removal. I bet this would also work on acne.

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At the request of the seller, which actually is a good idea, I would like to share my experience with them and the frankincense essential oil. First, I would recommend the seller as their products (those I have used) are of excellent quality and their communication is likewise. I purchased this particular oil as a sleep aid (I'm a worrier). I am not a huge fan of the frankincense fragrance (though it isn't bad at all, kind of earthy/woody), but I will share that since using it, I sleep sounder and deeper (much less prone to waking at every little noise or thought going through my head). I will order this oil again and will order from this seller as well. Edens Gardens prices are fair and shipping quick. Glad I found them.

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This oil has a great frangrance and a minuscule drop goes a long long way. Just what I wanted.

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I read online that you can cure migraine by placing a drop on your thumb and holding it against the roof of your mouth for several seconds. They recommended the DoTerra blend, but I had this one on hand so I gave it a try and it really does work. I could feel a cool tingle and after 5 minutes my nausea and crushing migraine was gone. Amazing!!

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I had a cancerous lesion on my leg. A friend of mine told me to try Frankincense oil because of it's healing effects and that it had such a HIGH frequency and that cancer has a LOW frequency and that applying it everyday should heal the cancerous (mole) lesion. I did as she said to do because I like to try anything natural first. Each day the lump under the mole became smaller. I have been applying it now about a month and am on my second bottle. Now my mole is small, flat and not black anymore. It's just a little brown flat mole now. The other thing with Edens Garden oils is that they are affordable and I was able to treat myself naturally without having a large hole cut out of my leg. I am not reccomending that anyone else with a cancerous type of lesion not be seen by their Dr. but this was my choice and I am keeping a very close eye on it and will continue to check it and apply the oil everyday. I am very pleased with these oils, the theraputic grade, organic choices and the price. I am so thankful to Edens Garden for keeping these wonderful oils affordable so that I AM able to keep buying them! I will continue to use Edens Garden oils!

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